I've been having a good morning. Despite my youngest becoming rather stuck to my side since my husband boarded the plane this morning for another week long drill. My youngest will be 2 in May. Hes the cutest little fuzz ball that you've ever seen. He's a dog by the way. He was being so spastic and needy this morning I decided to take him to work with my when I finally headed out the door at noon. The weather has been rather erratic lately but I figured with his thick almost husky coat, he should be fine. Plus this way he gets a short walk during the middle of the day!
So I'm feeling pretty good. I took my husband to the airport early this morning. Came home and re-familiarized myself with where the swords and guns are in the house, you know, safety first :) Got dressed, made the good chai tea with lots of sugar, extra strong and some french vanilla creamer. It's awesome. I got to talk to my husband on the drive to work. I found out that my nature's box that I paid for on the 1st and they finally shipped on the 8th is FINALLY in town. So it should be dropped off either today or tomorrow. It sucks that it takes almost a month after ordering to get to Juneau. Every time so far it gets as far as Federal Way Washington and then sits there for a week or two before it leaves for Alaska. Stupid USPS.
So I park all the way across the parking lot. Not that its a very big parking lot and not just because little Ares will guard my car against anyone who gets near it but also for the little bit of extra walk that I could get in. I'm feeling on a health kick today. I'm going to get exercise and feel good about it. I'm getting rid of this extra weight! So in the spirited frame of mind I'm in I decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Its not like it's a lot of extra work but I'm not carrying my lap top and all that extra weight in my bag today and I was feeling spunky so up the 3 flights of stairs I went.
It's been a half hour and I'm only now feeling like I can settle down and really get back to work. I always get a little winded going up the stairs. My legs ache and I feel out of breath but today with my heart pounding and I felt to hot and a little sweaty after I sat down at my desk. Lame, super lame. Now, no matter how I feel that day I'm going to walk up those stupid stairs. Everywhere I go, I'm taking the stupid stairs. Until I nolonger feel winded just from walking up the stupid stairs. Stupid stairs.