Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Exercise Junkie

I am an exercise junkie. I blame it on my mother. I recently found out that my mom exercised every single day she was pregnant with me. Every Single Day. I think that does something to a kid. Seriously, getting introduced to endorphins that early on. THAT is how you get kids addicted to the good kinds of drugs.

Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, she actually encouraged me to play outside and use my imagination when I was a child! ~gasp~ Outside?!? Playing in the sun, rain and snow. Burning energy and increasing my mental capacities all at the same time. Why, oh why would someone want to encourage me to exercise and make friends? To breath fresh air and observe the wonderment that is the natural world around us? Mom, what were you  thinking? How dare you encourage and teach me to grow up strong and healthy. Oh horror.

On a side note: What if more parents these days encouraged that? Would we be in this obesity epidemic? I know there are a lot of things that factor into where we are as a nation these days, but I strongly believe that healthy habits (like exercise) creates healthier brains which of course helps us make better decisions. So if we could make better choices and teach our young to make better choices, then perhaps we as a society would make better choices?

I am happiest when I'm out in the middle of nowhere. Surrounded by nature and my dogs. Endorphins cruising through my body and giving me a high you can't get anywhere else. Where is your happiest place on earth?

Monday, September 9, 2013

Incredible me

Today is the first day of my classes through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. As I was reading through my materials, watching videos and listening to lectures I found myself overwhelmed with excitement for this upcoming year and the possibilities this training opens up for me. I quickly opened another tab and posted on Facebook about what I was doing. After I pressed "post" I had a sudden sense of dread. A worry about what other people will think when they read my post.

I've always been a very active person. Yoga, bellydancing, horseback riding, hiking, mixed martial arts, karate, modern dance, drama, running, cross country, soccer, basketball, volleyball, backpacking. I love being outside and active. But I've also always loved food and I'm an emotional eater. So despite my high level of activity I've always been heavy. None of that compares to the weight I gained a couple years back and have horribly maintained. With the added weight came a extreme lowering of self confidence. So despite my passion for exercise, health and nutrition. I always feel like such a fraud talking to people about it. I mean surly they're listening to me and then looking at me and thinking "yeah right, like you know anything. If you know so much how come you're such a fat ugly cow?"

So that is what popped into my head the second I posted my plans to become a Certified Holistic Health Coach and better my own health and those of the people around me. "Oh dear God what have I done?!?" The panic set in. So I got up and walked away from the computer. I've been listening to these pre-classes for school and I was choosing to ignore that negative voice that says I can't do something. Haven't people since I was a child told me how stubborn I used to be? How I refused to accept limitations and therefore blew threw the pre conceived limits proving that nothing is impossible. That's right! Just because I look one way on the out side right now doesn't mean that is how I am inside!

That burst of self-confidence didn't last very long. I found myself back at the computer ready to delete my post. But in that little time things had changed. Already numerous friends had liked the post and many people had posted positive uplifting comments. Holy crap! Dose that mean people don't look at me and think all the negative things I always assume they think about me? Mind blowing!

So my thought for the moment. Don't always assume the worse. All you do is convince yourself of limitations that don't really exist. Whats the worse thing that could happen? Can you accept that? Is it something you can live with? Whats the best thing that could happen? How does that make you feel? Then freaking go for it!

Yeah, that's right. I'm going for it. I refuse to accept no for an answer. This is my life and I'm tried of living it a certain way out of fear for what others think. From the sticker on my lap top from college: Those who are different, change the world. Those who are the same, keep it that way.

Be different. Change the world. One person at a time and watch the world ripple.