Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Exercise Junkie

I am an exercise junkie. I blame it on my mother. I recently found out that my mom exercised every single day she was pregnant with me. Every Single Day. I think that does something to a kid. Seriously, getting introduced to endorphins that early on. THAT is how you get kids addicted to the good kinds of drugs.

Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, she actually encouraged me to play outside and use my imagination when I was a child! ~gasp~ Outside?!? Playing in the sun, rain and snow. Burning energy and increasing my mental capacities all at the same time. Why, oh why would someone want to encourage me to exercise and make friends? To breath fresh air and observe the wonderment that is the natural world around us? Mom, what were you  thinking? How dare you encourage and teach me to grow up strong and healthy. Oh horror.

On a side note: What if more parents these days encouraged that? Would we be in this obesity epidemic? I know there are a lot of things that factor into where we are as a nation these days, but I strongly believe that healthy habits (like exercise) creates healthier brains which of course helps us make better decisions. So if we could make better choices and teach our young to make better choices, then perhaps we as a society would make better choices?

I am happiest when I'm out in the middle of nowhere. Surrounded by nature and my dogs. Endorphins cruising through my body and giving me a high you can't get anywhere else. Where is your happiest place on earth?

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