Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Countdown to Skinny Jeans

So is doing this 30 days to skinny jeans challenge thing. So far its kind of cool but Oh-My-God it isn't exactly easy. Not for me anyways. I know after a month of doing these daily tasks I'm not going to be able to fit into my "skinny jeans" but then, my skinny jeans are from being 90 pounds less then I am right now. But maybe I'll have actually committed to something for a while week and I'll be able to fill good about that. As well as having tried some new exercises and I'll have lost some weight or started using muscles I didn't know I had.

Take today for instance. So every hour I try to get my butt up out of my chair for at least a minute. I walk down the hall, walk around my office or go down and back up a flight of stairs. So today since day one of the challenge is these four exercises you do for a minute each. I added one exercise to each stair set. So at 9am I walked down the stairs and back up and then did the exercise. OK that wasn't easy but it wasn't so hard. Then at 11a I did my stairs again (now my body is starting to whisper at me about how lazy I've been and how out of shape I am) and then went to do the second exercise. Ow. My inability to do the exercise was laughable. But I still tried and I did it to the best of my ability. I want to be able to keep this up.

I have huge dreams. But this month I'm just taking it one nice comfortable step at a time.

Come join me on the skinny jeans challenge on sparkpeople. Its bound to be fun.

Today is Day 2 but I'm doing day 1's stuff as well as day 2 so I can catch up. Becides, I need the extra exercise. So yeah, here is the day one exercise and phoooy I could barely get my butt off the ground on the second exercise.

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